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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CRAPS: The Famous Three

Craps is one of the famous casino games offered at a brick and mortar casino and is slowly increasing its popularity as a favorite game at secure online casino, offering an exciting thrill whenever players watch other players as they throw the dice, outlay their opponents and beat the casino.

Here are the three famous craps player that created their mark in the table of craps and for sure this three are the patterns whenever a new craps player comes into picture that would want to beat the records.

Lets start with Patricia Demauro, the new world record holder, the one who broke the world record of the Captain. It was a nice Saturday evening in May 23 at the Atlantic City Borgata Casino where Patricia who only played craps twice her life rolled 154 numbers before having a seven making an eclipsed at the previous 147 numbers in the world record made by the captain. She also overshadow the three hours and six minutes record set by Fujitake with 118 numbers rolled.

Talking about late Stanley Fujitake, the man with the Golden Arm. In May 28, 1989, Las Vegas at a craps table number 3 where the man with the Golden Arm set a record for the longest craps rolls of 118 that lasted for three hours and six minutes making the casino lost a great deal of money but has taken back because the next night a huge number of gamers came and play at the casino.

Lastly the Captain whose name unknown to public and only those casino people have given the chance to know the name, a healthy octogenarian that still takes his fix once every week. Set a record of two hours and eighteen minutes roll with a total of 147 rolls in July 2005, and mind you he was 83. It was during the 1970's up to the early 90's where he reach the peak of his career. During his prime years he played three or more times a week. He have won millions of dollars.

You might ask the discrepancy in time between the Fujitake, the Captain's roll and Patricia. Simply because Patricia and Stanley were in a 14 foot table rolling while there are a number of opponents at least 15 that makes a Crazy Crapper bets and some the Hardways that eats so much time to pay off. On the other hand there are 12 players in a 12 foot table making bad bets where the Captain played.

Image credit: http://www.pirates-cave.com/Pirate%20captain%20coat%20EJ4%20v1.jpg

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