Pass Line Bet. This is generally the most common type of bet in craps. A player will put his bet in hope that the dice will pass before the shooter rolls a seven. Once the come out roll is seven or eleven the bet wins, else if the result of the dice roll is two, three or twelve you lose. Remember that the moment the point is made each bettor is still allowed to take odds and place bets from one to five times the pass line behind the line.
Dont Pass Line. The alternate of the Pass Line Bet. In the Pass line Bet, a player will put his bet in hope that the dice will pass before the shooter rolls a seven. Here the shooter must roll a seven which means that the shooter should lose. Although it may be a bit different form the pass line bet, in a seven or 11 the bet will lose and if it is on the two, three and twelve, the bet wins. Moreover this can still be removed even if you have already ingrained your bet.
Come Bet. This bet is created as soon as the bet is established. The bets will be placed on the COME box on the craps table. After the shooter rolls, the number that is rolled is where the bets will be placed. In the event that the players aspires for an additional odds, he may do so. In case a number is rolled before seven, the player wins. Else seven comes first, the player loses.
Don't Come Bet. Like the come bet, this is also created once the bet is ingrained. Bets will be placed on the box that corresponds the Dont Come Box, then the shooter roll as the dealer places the bets on the corresponding result of the shooters roll. The player will lose if the number is rolled before seven and wins if otherwise. Simply this is the reverse Come Bet.
Place Bet. To used this type of bet, an interaction with the dealer is a must. As a player/bettor, to be able to put your bet on a particular lace bet, you would need to ask the dealer to place on the number you like on your account. Moreover, in this type of bet, a player can put his bet on a number unheeding of whether it was the point that was settled in the game. The player will win if the number he placed bets on comes before seven and loses or in the brink of a losing bet if seven is rolled first.
Watch out for the next issue for an update of the most uncommon craps bets.
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